We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. -Ephesians 2:10
Welcome to our blog, where we share what God is doing in our lives and the good works which He prepared for us in Nigeria.
Please contact us at bobdevoe@wol.org or meredithdevoe@wol.org.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
It's all good!!
The first few weeks seemed to go slowly as we were awaiting our house to be brought to livable condition. We moved in to no water or electricity, but it was home!! Then ministry really began to pick up, and we are busy home schooling Ryan and Sarah, and taking care of many other details, including immigration, getting drivers licenses, fixing things, buying food, fixing more things, witnessing.... think of how long things take to do in America, then multiply by 5- 10 times. Well, it's all good.
Meredith had malaria and was very sick for a few days, but in answer to prayer, God healed her and raised her up to be Bob's helpmeet once again. God's grace was sufficient and His power made perfect in weakness. He is faithful!
Please pray for our first evangelistic trip coming up October 13-15. We will spend two days at Bokkos, present the Gospel in film, preaching, music and puppetry; and spend time discipling new believers. Please pray for an abundant harvest to God's glory!!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. I hope to post some photographs soon, as it is difficult to convey in words how different it is here- both exciting and difficult things.
Blessings to all!!
The first few weeks seemed to go slowly as we were awaiting our house to be brought to livable condition. We moved in to no water or electricity, but it was home!! Then ministry really began to pick up, and we are busy home schooling Ryan and Sarah, and taking care of many other details, including immigration, getting drivers licenses, fixing things, buying food, fixing more things, witnessing.... think of how long things take to do in America, then multiply by 5- 10 times. Well, it's all good.
Meredith had malaria and was very sick for a few days, but in answer to prayer, God healed her and raised her up to be Bob's helpmeet once again. God's grace was sufficient and His power made perfect in weakness. He is faithful!
Please pray for our first evangelistic trip coming up October 13-15. We will spend two days at Bokkos, present the Gospel in film, preaching, music and puppetry; and spend time discipling new believers. Please pray for an abundant harvest to God's glory!!
Thank you for all your prayers and support. I hope to post some photographs soon, as it is difficult to convey in words how different it is here- both exciting and difficult things.
Blessings to all!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
A friend is praying the following amazing Scriptural prayer for us each day. She sent this prayer to me and I was amazed at how the Lord had shown her what our specific needs are. That is worth more to us than anything!!! We would be so grateful, if the Lord moves you to do this, if you too would agree with us in prayer before the Lord for all these things.
Precious Father,
I plead the Devoe family will be filled with the Holy Spirit and will daily walk in His power (Ephesians 5:18; Galatians 5:16).
I pray they will speak the Word of God with boldness (Acts 4:31; Ephesians 6:19).
That they will present the gospel clearly to unbelievers (Colossians 4:4).
I praise You cuz I know they will be accepted by the citizens of Nigeria, the unbelievers, the believers, and the missionaries in the area where they are laboring (Romans 15:30-31).
God, I plead that You will protect the Devoe Family from the attacks of Satan and his demons (Romans 15:30-31; 2 Thessalonians 3:2-3).
Father, I ask that You would open doors and hearts to receive the gospel as Meredith and her husband minister in their place of service (Colossians 4:3).
I pray that You will make their ministry exceedingly fruitful and that You will glorify Yourself through this ministry (2 Thessalonians 3:1).
Father, Oh Father, I am trusting with whole heart, mind, body and spirit that You will deliver this family from loneliness and frustration (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 18:9-10; Hebrews 13:5).
Lord, I pray that You will create in Meredith and her husband a servant's heart (Philippians 2:5-10).
I ask that they will live and labor each day for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Father, I honor Meredith's desire to be a vessel through which the love of God can flow to others, and I pray that you anoint her with your loving Holy Spirit Fire. I pray this for her husband as well Lord. Let them breath Your Breath into all the hearts that hear them. (Romans 5:5; John 13:34-35).
Guide Meredith and her husband in Your specific direction for their ministry (Psalm 37:5).
I pray this family will experience an even MORE growing and intimate relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ (John 15:4-5).
I pray as they are working in Nigeria they will be blessed with a deeper and clearer understanding of the Word of God (John 16:13).
Father, I plead that You will continually protect The Devoe Family from all harm and ask that You would strengthen all of them physically (Genesis 2:7).
I ask that You would bless Meredith with peace and assurance about the well being of family members that are left at home (1 Peter 5:7).
Fill this family with Your joy in all situations and let this joy sustain them in all situations (Nehemiah 8:10).
Father, I pray that they see people and things from Your perspective (Proverbs 3:5).
Lord, I ask that You would bless and strengthen every family member from cousins to in-laws, to immediate family to close family friends. Fill them with need and desire to lift Meredith, her husband and children without fail in prayer and support. (Ephesians 5:22-6:4).
I plead that this family will have a renewed and growing zeal to share the gospel with unbelievers (Romans 1:15-16).
I ask that they be completely yielded to Christ and willing to die to self in all matters (Mark 8:34-35).
I pray that they grow in humility (1 Peter 5:5-6).
I ask You to create a thankful heart in The Devoe family, especially in times of difficulty (Ephesians 5:20).
I pray that You will raise up prayer partners for The Devoe Family (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
I plead that all of their needs--physical, spiritual, emotional, and spiritual--will be met by You through Your grace and power (Philippians 4:19).
I Praise Father That I know this family will labor from godly motives and not from a desire to please people (2 Corinthians 4:2).
I am thankful Lord, that you would raise up strong believers around them who will encourage them in the tasks that God has given to them (Philemon 20).
I'm Praising You Lord that I know this family longs to be holy and live a life of obedience to the Word of God, I am honored to call them friend. (1 Peter 1:15-16).
I Praise You Lord, that I KNOW they will be salt and light to the people to which they have been sent (Matthew 5:13-14).
Father, I thank You for strength that will enable them to pray for those who persecute them and for those who spitefully use them (Matthew 5:44).
I pray that this family would not lag in diligence but would be fervent in spirit, GLORY FATHER, I know they will rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and continue steadfastly in prayer (Romans 12:11-12).
I ask that they not lose focus in ministry but that they would have their priorities ordered by You. I pray and stand in awe as they set their minds on things above and not on the things of the earth (Colossians 3:2-3).
I thank You Father, that they WILL be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that their labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).
Father, I ask that you comfort her as she prepares to make this journey. Lord, I'm a woman, I know how her heart must be fluttering as she looks around her home, sees her friends, talks to her family. Her heart must be torn in two sometimes, Lord, fill her with MIGHTY WINGS OF PURPOSE. Fill her with peace and courage. Renew this in my dear friend everyday as she walks a path that cuts into the unknown, make everything familiar and new, fill it with Love. Ease any concerns she has about loved ones. I praise You Father for the blessings that are going to fill their hearts, for the goodness and good things that are set on providing for those less fortunate. Father, make Meredith's voice like the voice of an angel as she teaches Your Word, Your Love, Your Miracles, Your Grace and Your Mercy. More than anything Precious Father, keep my precious sister from any kind of harm, sickness, demon, bug, political squabbles, vengeful God haters, protruding rock, falling rock, depression, doubt, weariness, anxiety, FATHER, I PRAY THAT NOTHING TOUCH THIS FAMILY THAT IS NOT OF YOU... I praise You Father, I adore Your Love and In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
What I did this summer (Lord willing!)
We are very excited because God has provided a home for us in Jos, newly built, which we will have to put the finishing touches on (like running water and electricity... small details...) but it comes with enough room for our family and office, and is in a good location for ministry. Best of all, we will live there rent-free for the first term, which will allow our ministry funds to go a lot farther. Thank you, Lord!!
We still have to:
Get physicals, shots, and malaria prescriptions
Visit the Dentist
Get our papers in order
Get Visas
Decide what to store and what to part with
Say our "See-You-Laters"
Please pray for us as we work through this in the next few weeks!!
We are also visiting churches nearly every weekend, but we also have some other special things planned.
The DeVoes and Meredith's family are both having reunions.
Ryan will spend a week at Word of Life Island, and a couple of weeks in Vermont with his good buddy Kelly Keegan.
Sarah will spend a week at Word of Life Ranch.
We will all spend some time in Vermont visiting with old friends (and doing some support-raising as well, of course).
Thanks to all for your continued prayers, and to our God, for making it all possible!!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
DeVoted to Nigeria
"Do something so big for God that it's destined to fail without Him."
The person I heard this from couldn't recall who said it; but this saying has ignited me lately. Because that is what I feel we are doing!
Our departure date for Nigeria is AUGUST 16, 2006. I am confident that we will be going on that date- but it still takes a lot of faith to believe it!
We still need 37% of our monthly support, and are seeking 400 more prayer partners as well. We are leaning hard on God for these right now. Please pray for us!! To go to Nigeria is a BIG thing- but not too big for God!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
A Gift from American Kids

Ruth, Habibu, and the sewing and knitting machines

The AWANA club of our sending church, First Baptist of Johnson City, bought sewing and knitting machines for the new Fulani church in Mallam Fatori. Habibu is the pastor of this church, which was planted in response to the many salvation decisions in that village during evangelistic campaigns last dry season. The machines will be used as an outreach tool to the community, and to provide income for Pastor and Ruth. Please pray for this church. The 50 Fulani converts who are part of the church face persecution and ostracization for their new faith.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
We are Word of Life Missionary Appointees to Nigeria, West Africa. Lord willing, we plan to go there in October 2006 to begin our missions work with Word of Life Nigeria. We are very excited to get involved in what the Lord is doing there-- literally thousands of people are hearing the Message of Christ and thousands are trusting Him as Savior!!
In the meantime,...
·Miles we drive per year: about 40,000
·Churches we ministered in in 2005: 37
·Times we have moved since 1999: 10
·Number of individuals who support us regularly: 27
·Number of Churches that support us: 7
·Blessings we have received: countless!!
We are currently at 55% of our needed monthly financial support, and 100% of our moving fund. We are in need of people to PRAY for us and to support our ministry. If you would like to recieve our current prayer letter, please send us your e-mail address, or e-mail us your mailing address. Thanks and may the Lord bless you!!