- "Sannu! Ina kwana?"
- Our friends!!
- The most-always pleasant weather
- The colorful clothing
- Dancing in church
- Reggae music
- Rice, beans, and red stew
- Hillcrest School
- Jerry (a five-year-old who lives in our compound)
- Mangoes
Top ten things I don't miss:
- Achabas (motorcycle taxis)
- Trash strewn everywhere
- Public urination
- Diesel fumes
- Marriage proposals for my daughter
- Corrupt police and officials
- White-knuckle driving everywhere
- Crashed and burned-out cars
- Razor wire
- Potholes
Top ten things I am appreciating about the USA:
- Blueberries, cherries, apples
- Safe driving
- Open lawns and gardens, farms and woods
- Thrift Shops
- Libraries
- 24-hour electricity
- Drinkable water
- Clean air
- I am not an object of curiosity everywhere I go
- Most everyone is actually wealthier than me
Top ten things I wish about the USA:
- That people were grateful for the enormous blessings they enjoy from God every day
- That people would spend less time mowing lawns and more with each other
- That people would dress nicer-- not jeans and t-shirts ad nauseum
- That people would loosen up and make some noise in church
- That people would buy less and make more
- That junk food was not so ubiquitous
- That SUVs would go away, especially Hummers
- That they would turn the air conditioning down
- That people would protect the unborn AND the Alaskan wilderness
- That Christians would make Christ known so the world will see and turn away from false gods