Dear Prayer Partners,
May 28th is the last official day of school and both Meredith and Sarah are ready for a break. Sarah’s school play “Little Women” was a lot of fun and all of the students did a great job. The costume changes that Sarah had were dramatic to say the least and thought that you might enjoy seeing what she looked like. Meredith will be helping to train teachers for an orphanage school for part of her break, and hopefully we can keep Sarah connected with her friends in and around Jos, during the school holiday.
We just recently purchased a Kerosene lamp from some other missionaries that were leaving and are really enjoying good light to read by that does not require a generator. This lamp is as bright as a 60 watt light bulb and is very easy and inexpensive to use, it has been perfect for our devotions in the morning. Pray for wisdom for us as we are exploring alternative options to what we are currently doing for electricity.
Our last evangelism trip for the dry season went very well. The Lord answered our prayers and we only had a little sprinkling on Friday night at Rahai Fan. Saturday evening at Gashet Fan was a light show in the clouds with thunder and lightning all around us even watching the rain in the distance as it was getting dark, yet we didn’t have a drop on the village we were in. The Hausa language Christian music videos that we start off with are always a draw, and we had a lot of fun watching these children trying to keep up with the traditional Nigerian dancers on the screen. Between the 2 villages there were over 500 people that we shared the Gospel with and 241 of them came to trust Jesus Christ.
The rains have not been as often or the length that we have known in the past, for the month of May. But today it seemed it was catch up time; getting over 4 inches of rain in less than 2 hours. The picture below is of the side yard by our front door turning into a stream that ran through our front porch.
You may recall that I was licensed as a ECWA (Evangelical Church of West Africa) pastor about a year and a half ago, and even before we returned to Nigeria back in December the process was begun for me to be ordained. This coming Sunday May 23, 2010 at 2 pm Peter Verkaik, 3 other Nigerian Pastors and myself will officially become ECWA Reverends. Peter & I will be the first “bature” (that is Hausa for white guy) Reverends in ECWA. It appears that the whole matter is quite significant to everyone here an many, many people have been invited including the Governor. Our Church here has done a lot of planning and we look forward to seeing many friends and enjoying the day.
Thanks for your Prayers and support
The DeVoe Family