Friday, November 18, 2011

DeVoe prayer update

Dear Prayer Partners,


Ministry and life continues to keep us very busy here in Nigeria and therefore must ask that you continue to pray for our success and safety. Oct. 28-30, we had 2 teams go out to 4 small villages in the southern most part of Kaduna State for our first evangelism outing of the dry season. Your prayers were answered with awesome results.


TOTAL  Attendance=1,096   

Total Salvations=221

Just some of the many who trusted Christ

in Jangkasa, Southern Kaduna.

Stephen doing some of the counseling; the

Morning after their decision to trust Christ.

Our trip to this area was very timely as the following weekend a crises erupted when gunmen attacked a church during an all night prayer vigil in a village only a few miles from where we had been. 2 people were killed and 11 others injured. Things escalated from there with youths setting bonfires on major roads and smashing vehicles. Security men and soldiers engaged the rampaging youth and the Governor put the whole area under a 24 hr curfew for a few days which has been eased up and currently the area remains under a curfew from 6pm to 6am.


Today we are headed out to 4 more villages in the Eastern part of Kaduna which is quite a distance from where the trouble was. The 4 villages are Zarangi, Naturu, Taremu, and Mabango in the local government area of Gure. We visited these villages last week in preparation and are looking forward to more great results. However, we need your prayers:

for the vehicles and equipment to not disappoint

the volunteers needed to help with the work

safety and wisdom on the roads as they are some of the worst that I have traveled on

the speakers and counseling to maintain a focus on the Gospel message yet not neglecting the issues of idol worship, fornication and thoughtless living

for the Spirit to open the hearts and minds of the people

good follow up by the Nigerian missionary, Pastor Musa Kanga, in the area

and for a village close by, Katimi, which is all muslim     


If you would also pray for me personally to have wisdom beyond my years and to demonstrate fruit of the spirit in all that I do, not  following the easy path of the flesh.


Thanks for your prayers


Thursday, October 20, 2011

FW: DeVoe update

Dear Prayer Partners

This morning while most of America was still sleeping God was answering the request that many of you have been lifting up for over 2 years now. Stephen Bahago and his family were granted American visas so they can travel to the US for training, serving and deputation. It truly is a bittersweet answer to prayer as Stephen is an individual I have come to depend on heavily, both in ministry and personally. However, I know this trip will make him an even greater asset to the kingdom of God.  

Another big answer to prayer was to change our ministry van which had become a mechanical burden; for a vehicle that was more fuel efficient yet something that could manage the rough roads and still carry people and equipment. The Lord started answering that prayer a few weeks ago with the sale of the van and finished up last week with a 1998 Toyota Rav 4 with all the little details that I hoped for: strong engine and body,  4 wheel drive, low mileage, roof rack, and within our price range.

Although there has been lots of ministry activity over the last few months the sweetest of all remains the direct work with the children and youth. Last Sunday afternoon we had over 200 children from ECWA Churches around the Bukuru area, just a few minutes north of where we live, for a time of fellowship and fun.  What a privilege it was to see The Holy Spirit at work and have 30 of these children respond to the Gospel and trust Jesus Christ. There is so much more to share but will have to fill you in more in the next few weeks with a prayer letter. For now keep praying, I am headed to Kano in the North tomorrow for a youth conference where I will be speaking and the following weekend we will be kicking off our first bush evangelism weekend of the dry season.  

God bless from the DeVoe family


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

FW: DeVoe Prayer Letter

Dear Prayer Partners,


We are continually amazed by Gods answer to prayer and supply through our many supporters like you. Truly, we can’t thank you enough. We have been busy the last several months but have also been blessed with the opportunity to visit with all of our family members and some of you as well. For those we have not been able to see, I hope this will get you caught up with us and give all of you the points we need for you to pray about.


Part of His Workmanship


Friday, May 06, 2011

FW: Prayer Update

Dear Prayer Partners,

Just wanted to let you know what some of the activities are for the coming month and to ask you to pray for safe travels and fruitful ministry. I know if I didn’t make time right now before I take off for Suleja  I will miss out on your prayer support. Stephen and I are headed to Suleja for a few days to help with a children’s camp: Bible study, games and sharing a film about Jim Elliot. Our Clubs guy, Sam Dodo, that lives in Suleja will be headed to the Kwali District Church Council (DCC) area located in the Federal Capital territory for club training and follow up there on Saturday. We are so thankful that even with the trouble that was experienced in Suleja during the elections Sam and his new bride Tabitha were safe and had many opportunities to minister to those that were injured or lost loved ones.

Next week Tues Barry, Stephen and I are headed to Kaduna to begin work in the area of Zon Zon DCC. When I was there last month setting things up we learned that there was over 50 church in this area but as far as the chairman knew only 2 out of all the churches had anything at all for training of youth and children. Our hope and prayer is that we can ignite a passion and commitment for youth and children’s ministry in these local churches.

By Wednesday next week the clubs guys and our Drama team are headed to Egbe in Kogi state for the National Youth fellowship Conference. I was so disappointed when it had to be canceled last month because of security concerns associated with the elections, but now rejoice over how God has worked it all out. We will be leading devotions from a sample Word of Life Quiet Time that is included in their conference program, performing our Born Again to a Living Hope Drama which will confront each youth with not only the Gospel  but also the need for purity additionally we will be bringing an element of fun between major events in the conference with object lesson/ice breakers activities. With an expected turn out of over 5,000 we hope that this conference will have great impact for eternity.

There is also going to be one last evangelism for this dry season in a very remote village called Tukyeh on the 13-15th Our director Peter Verkaik will be heading this up with our Local Church council and hope at least 50 people from our area go to share the Good News about Jesus Christ. The National missionary and his family are pictured below and said that there has never been a team there before to share the Gospel, so our presence will be a real help to his ministry and a great opportunity to the community.

April 2011 136

Along with everything else going on our septic system has started to collapse, so we have a group of workers at the house taking out the old and putting in a new one, we pray it is completed quickly. Please also pray for Sarah and Meredith as I am going to be gone a lot over the next several weeks and we have to finish preparing to travel to the USA on June 1st. We have not yet heard about the Visa that Stephen and His family need to travel to the USA for training and support raising and really hope to know soon so they also will need to prepare for traveling.

God Bless and please keep praying,

The DeVoe Family.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prayer Letter from DeVoes


Dear Prayer Partners,


Although there has been a lot on the news about Nigeria and the elections, our prayer letter will inform you about the good things God is doing, and hopefully help you to pray more effectively. There continues to be problems in many of the areas to the north where we are heavily involved in ministry, however things here in Jos remain relatively quiet and peaceful. 


God bless,

The DeVoes

Friday, March 11, 2011

FW: DeVoe update

Dear Payer Partners,


Last month our evangelism trips to the Southern part of Kaduna State were very successful!  With over 1,300 coming out to hear the Gospel and almost 50% of them making the decision to trust Christ.  The picture below is of some of the many children from the village of Tum; who returned for counseling the morning after the Gospel presentation and film. The time we get to spend with these individuals doing counseling during our Evangelism weekends is one of the most enjoyable things about life here in Nigeria. Both Villages that I was in last month also want to start Word of Life Bible clubs for the many Children they have. 

Feb 2011 012


We are headed out with 2 teams for evangelism today and really need your prayers for safety and for many to accept Christ.  A little more than 2 weeks ago a village, Bere, was attacked leaving 17 from the village dead as well as one of the attackers. Three days after the attack we went and visited the village to pray with the families and try to encourage them during their time of grief. As we spent the day with them we discovered that many do not know Christ, but claim to be Christian simply because they are not something else. We hope to not only share Christ but also spend time dealing with what the Bible says about conflict and suffering, in an effort to try and encourage peace in this area and not retaliation and more violence. The other team will also be in Plateau State in the villages of Kwahas Lalek and Mangu Halle.


It has been incredibly busy last month with so much more to talk about but really wanted you all to pray for this village and our weekend.    


Thanks for Praying



Friday, February 11, 2011

FW: DeVoe Prayer requests

Greetings Prayer Partners,


Things in Jos have calmed down again yet the tension remains high. Most are trying to carry on with everyday life even with the changes that have taken place. Many of the places I used to do business are now no go areas and many of the individuals that I did business with have relocated. Jos becomes more polarized with each crisis. The registration process for the election coming in April has finished and the Schools which were closed to serve as registration centers have resumed, which also helps with things returning to normal. Pray specifically for those in power to make wise decisions concerning the ongoing problems in Jos and that each of us does our part to promote peace, healing and the Love of Christ.


We are headed north to Kaduna today to 4 villages for the weekend. The 2 teams will be in Mallagum 1 & 2, Kamantan & Fadiya. These are located in the southern part of Kaduna and things there have remained peaceful all throughout our troubles in Jos.  Pray that while we are out in the villages things in Jos would remain peaceful, Meredith and Sarah will remain at home in Rayfield. Pray also that those we minister to will be open to the Spirits leading and that many will accept Christ and that the equipment will operate as needed.


I was in Suleja last weekend for 2 days doing follow up training for Bible Club leaders which went very well and I had no troubles with traveling. I plan to be in the Capital city of Kaduna State, Kaduna, next week teaching at a school for youth serving in ministry.  I always enjoy my time teaching at this school as the students come from a wide range of religious backgrounds. The opportunity this brings to provide clear Biblical teaching is always a blessing. The students commented last time I was there how I helped to end confusion about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and what the Bible clearly teaches. I also have another training for Bible Club leaders on the 25th and 26th in a small city in southern Kaduna, Zonkwa. I did have to cancel  a trip to Kano this month which is in the far north because those I was working with felt it wise to postpone until after the elections in April at which time we will reevaluate the ministry opportunities in this predominantly Muslim city. Pray for safe travels in the weeks to come, interaction with all those we minister to that is profitable to our Lord and that Meredith & Sarah will have no troubles in my absence.


We are so thankful for your faithful prayers and financial support and ask that you keep up the good work and so will we, as the Lord enables.


Part of His Workmanship

Bob DeVoe & family




Saturday, January 15, 2011

FW: DeVoe Preyer Letter

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,


I have included our prayer letter hoping it will give you some information about what is going on here. I will be very honest with you it is very difficult at this time to share about life and ministry here as I do not want to complain or create a false image of what is going on. It is stressful times that we live in yet God is at work. Although we must constantly assess  what we are doing and where we are going it also makes us ask the question is this what will glorify God, is this what will accomplish His will here on earth or am I doing this to suit myself or is this  just what is easy or expedient. Although this past year started and ended with crisis with plenty of troubles in between our prayer letter shares the incredible numbers that have heard the Gospel and responded. In just this past year almost 50,000 heard the Gospel through Word of Life Nigeria, with over 15,000 making decisions for Christ. Yet there are still so many that have not heard and many that are religious but still need to be confronted with the truth of the Gospel.   


The entire missions community here is on alert and have prepared as much as we can to leave if that were to become necessary. The US embassy keeps us informed of developments and areas to avoid. Again I do not share these things to play on people’s emotions but to help you to pray for us. God has called us here to serve Him and I believe we can best do that alive. If we are told by the US that we should leave we do plan to comply. We do not feel our lives are in personal danger at this time but do need wisdom as we continue to live and minister here in Nigeria.


Praise God and may His will be done as you Keep the faith and encourage one another.  


Part of His Workmanship

Bob DeVoe