Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
I have included our prayer letter hoping it will give you some information about what is going on here. I will be very honest with you it is very difficult at this time to share about life and ministry here as I do not want to complain or create a false image of what is going on. It is stressful times that we live in yet God is at work. Although we must constantly assess what we are doing and where we are going it also makes us ask the question is this what will glorify God, is this what will accomplish His will here on earth or am I doing this to suit myself or is this just what is easy or expedient. Although this past year started and ended with crisis with plenty of troubles in between our prayer letter shares the incredible numbers that have heard the Gospel and responded. In just this past year almost 50,000 heard the Gospel through Word of Life Nigeria, with over 15,000 making decisions for Christ. Yet there are still so many that have not heard and many that are religious but still need to be confronted with the truth of the Gospel.
The entire missions community here is on alert and have prepared as much as we can to leave if that were to become necessary. The US embassy keeps us informed of developments and areas to avoid. Again I do not share these things to play on people’s emotions but to help you to pray for us. God has called us here to serve Him and I believe we can best do that alive. If we are told by the US that we should leave we do plan to comply. We do not feel our lives are in personal danger at this time but do need wisdom as we continue to live and minister here in Nigeria.
Praise God and may His will be done as you Keep the faith and encourage one another.
Part of His Workmanship
Bob DeVoe