Dear Payer Partners,
Last month our evangelism trips to the Southern part of Kaduna State were very successful! With over 1,300 coming out to hear the Gospel and almost 50% of them making the decision to trust Christ. The picture below is of some of the many children from the village of Tum; who returned for counseling the morning after the Gospel presentation and film. The time we get to spend with these individuals doing counseling during our Evangelism weekends is one of the most enjoyable things about life here in Nigeria. Both Villages that I was in last month also want to start Word of Life Bible clubs for the many Children they have.
We are headed out with 2 teams for evangelism today and really need your prayers for safety and for many to accept Christ. A little more than 2 weeks ago a village, Bere, was attacked leaving 17 from the village dead as well as one of the attackers. Three days after the attack we went and visited the village to pray with the families and try to encourage them during their time of grief. As we spent the day with them we discovered that many do not know Christ, but claim to be Christian simply because they are not something else. We hope to not only share Christ but also spend time dealing with what the Bible says about conflict and suffering, in an effort to try and encourage peace in this area and not retaliation and more violence. The other team will also be in Plateau State in the villages of Kwahas Lalek and Mangu Halle.
It has been incredibly busy last month with so much more to talk about but really wanted you all to pray for this village and our weekend.
Thanks for Praying