Saturday, September 15, 2012

FW: DeVoe Update

Dear Prayer Partners

Our Group from Bukuru, Jos

In our last prayer letter we asked for prayer for a national children’s camp organized by ECWA that was taking place from the 30th of Aug. to the 2nd of Sept. near the capital of Abuja . Word of life was asked to lead morning devotions, help with game time and share a film on the evening of arrival. The planning committee tried diligently to enforce a new concept of preregistration and thought that  there would be around 3,000 in attendance. Knowing how things can go, our group planned ahead and when we discovered attendance was closer to 5,000 we were not surprised. The huge numbers brought many challenges and required everyone to do all that was possible to make it all work.  In spite of the difficulties there were many individuals that trusted Christ and the testimonies of what the kids were learning were incredible.    

The main hall filled to capacity spilling over to the outside

Everyone was tired by the end of each day

Praying with new converts at Durumi

On the 7th through the 9th I was in a suburb, Durumi, of Abuja  to work with a church that had never had Bible Clubs. The Pastor Emmanuel Gray had Clubs in his previous church and contacted us about helping get them started in his new church. We held both a children’s and a youth Bible club so everyone could get an idea of what was expected then we did several hours of leader training to fill in the remaining gaps. During the youth Bible Club time on Friday I rounded up the teaching with an invitation and 16 individuals trusted Christ. It was a special privilege to pray with them again on Sunday morning along with presenting each with the gospel of John and to know that these individuals will be discipled through the Word of Life Bible Clubs. Pastor Emma is such a advocate of Word of Life that he is pushing for all of his church members to be involved in the club ministry in some way and for everyone to have WOL quite times.

Currently I am in Kaduna, visiting Bible clubs and doing Evangelism training. Although there is concern of trouble in Nigeria related to the film that has caused such trouble throughout the Middle East the government here has really stepped up security measures to prevent things from getting out of hand and things have remained calm in Jos and Kaduna. Pray that things remain calm here and that peace would return to the many Nations that are in turmoil.

 We have 3 more Bible Club orientations coming up this month, another near Abuja, one in Jos and one in Nasarawa, as well as a one day youth program in Kafanchan. Pray for safe travels, successful ministry and that the Lord is glorified in all we do.

Please also continue to pray for wisdom and love in Meredith’s teaching; and for Sarah's busy Senior year. And that the year can go on without any closings due to problems.

God Bless and my He give you an opportunity today to share your faith



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

FW: DeVoe Prayer letter

Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ,


Many of you continue to be concerned about us based on all the negative Information that the media puts forth about Nigeria; know that we are safe and carefully consider everything we do and everywhere we go.


Along with the many praises and prayer requests in our prayer letter; pray for Meredith and Sarah as they are headed to a school staff retreat this Friday. I am headed to Abuja Thursday morning to help with a national ECWA children’s camp in which we are anticipating over 3,000 kids from around Nigeria.


Because I am headed to Abuja tomorrow,  we had to celebrate Sarah’s 17th birthday a day early. We had home made Krispy Kreme donuts, silly party hats and lots of fun with all her class mates at school.



Thanks again for your concern, love and support,

All of us in the DeVoe Family

FW: DeVoe Prayer letter

Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ,


Many of you continue to be concerned about us based on all the negative Information that the media puts forth about Nigeria; know that we are safe and carefully consider everything we do and everywhere we go.


Along with the many praises and prayer requests in our prayer letter; pray for Meredith and Sarah as they are headed to a school staff retreat this Friday. I am headed to Abuja Thursday morning to help with a national ECWA children’s camp in which we are anticipating over 3,000 kids from around Nigeria.


Because I am headed to Abuja tomorrow,  we had to celebrate Sarah’s 17th birthday a day early. We had home made Krispy Kreme donuts, silly party hats and lots of fun with all her class mates at school.



Thanks again for your concern, love and support,

All of us in the DeVoe Family

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

FW: Nigeria update

Dear Prayer Partners

As I had asked for all of you to pray for peace in Nigeria combined with wisdom for us in all that we do and to press on in His service, I want to quickly update you before I leave for the weekend on Evangelism in the South East of Kaduna, to the villages of Rafin Gora, Matuak, and 2 other villages that are close by each of these.  I know a good number of those that normally go with us are planning to go out in spite of the suspicions of more trouble to come.


Last Friday the 16th began a new policy of no vehicle traffic passing by places of worship during service times in and around Jos; Fridays, no traffic allowed to move by Mosques, and Sunday mornings, no traffic allowed to move past Churches. Our Sunday service last week saw a smaller than usual attendance; some were fearful of more bombs or revenge attacks, others unsure of exactly how the no movement around worship centers would flesh out. In Rayfield there are some side streets that allowed us to travel within less than a mile of our church, park the car on the road and walk the rest of the way. It was so encouraging to see those who persevered, overcoming fears and the discomfort that might come with walking on dusty dirt roads in the hot sun, uncertain of exactly how far one would have to walk.


In our community and throughout the City of Jos, most churches have put up concrete barriers so cars can no longer get near the buildings; as well as the police stations, banks, and military installations.  The metal detectors that some have been using are now everywhere and those that have the responsibility take it very seriously.


Please do not get the idea that we think we are impervious to all that is happening around us, the stress of living and serving in Nigeria has increased tremendously. Everything here is more difficult to accomplish, yet our Lord remains faithful. His Grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness, II Corinthians 12:9     


·         Please pray for God to change hearts in Nigeria, bringing about peace and reconciliation.

·         Please pray for wisdom and protection for us as a family.

·         Please pray for souls in the villages of Rafin Gora and Matuak to be saved through the preaching of the Word this weekend, and for safety for the outreach team.


Keep praying,

Bob DeVoe   

Part of His Workmanship


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

FW: Nigeria Prayer update

Dear Prayer Partners

I know many of you have been following the troubles in Nigeria with concerns and Prayers. Regrettably, a suicide bomber attacked the Catholic Church in our community of Rayfield this past Sunday leaving 11 people confirmed dead and 22 injured.  It is only 2 weeks since a similar incident took place in the city of Jos, where the Headquarters Church of Christ in Nigeria was attacked and several lives were also lost. Youths around the area went on a rampage, as soldiers shot sporadically to prevent further escalation of the violent protests that greeted this most recent suicide bombing. Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for both of these bombings.

Meredith was leading worship music at the Hillcrest Chapel so we were not in Rayfield when the bomb went off. The church in Rayfield we normally attend was shaken by the blast and members were detained for over an hour after the bombing for their own safety and then released to go home. Hillcrest School has closed the elementary and middle schools for the week and our community and Jos are oddly quiet and tense.  

We are, of course, praying very seriously for wisdom in all that we do or do not do. But we do not feel afraid or that the threat is toward us. The Churches chosen as targets thus far are churches where political figures and the more prominent residents of Jos are members and it would seem the agenda is to intimidate Christian leaders. The sobering thing seems to be the degree of hatred displayed toward innocent people; which Christians are also guilty of, as many of those killed have been in retribution.

On Feb. 29- Mar. 4 we held evangelism programs around our own area of Rayfield in Fwavwei, Shehe, Gut & Topp with almost 500 people coming out and 167 of them making decisions of Salvation. Our Church members really put their best effort forward inviting neighbors and friends and then spending time with them before and after the program. We were able to get a copy of The Cross & the Switch Blade,  a film made back in the 70’s about gangs, violence, retaliation, drug abuse and Jesus Christ, which we used in Gut & Topp areas of Rayfield (we live in Gut and our Church is in Topp and the Catholic church that was bombed is in between). This side of heaven we may never know the real impact of our service here, but I do believe that some of the people that we interacted with on those evenings had a change or heart and mind and were not caught up in the violence of this past Sunday because of it.

Some of those that came forward in Gut

Keep praying for peace in Nigeria, wisdom for us in all that we do and that the troubling times we find ourselves in are not a discouragement but a catalyst to press on in the service of Jesus Christ.     

Bob DeVoe

Part of His Workmanship



Friday, February 24, 2012

FW: Nigeria Prayer Update

Dear Prayer Partners


Our trip last week end was awesome as usual although we did have some trouble with the equipment, which delayed things but did not stop us. The team lead by Ibrahim also had a little trouble with some of the local people which the elders of the village settled in favor of the Lord. All together the 2 teams witnessed to over 1,100 people in 4 different villages with 753 of them being added to the Kingdom. The 2 villages that I was privileged to be in are on a road that I travel often, which will make follow-up easy, especially since there was also great interest in starting Bible Clubs there in Kaura.


some of the decisions at Kaura      counseling the next morning


Praise the Lord for the many that trusted Christ and that we can trust HIM for all of our needs as we serve HIM.


Last May a treacherous journey to a mountain village called Tukyeh was made by Word of Life Nigeria, members from our church along with some other ECWA churches in our area. Through Christian films, Preaching and door-to-door sharing there was 975 people that heard the Gospel and the Lord brought 428 of them into His Kingdom.  We were so thankful and praised the Lord for this great blessing and are now headed back to this village for follow-up this very weekend.  


Lunch at Tukyeh last year                the National Missionary


Pray for: safety as we travel, that the vehicle and equipment will function as needed, the many that trusted Christ have a hunger and thirst for the Word, our families at home will be secure in our absence and that those of us that are traveling will remain healthy.


Next week our Church will be doing evangelistic meetings in 4 different locations very close to our Church: Wed. – Favway, Thurs. -  Shehe, Fri. – Gut and Sat. – Top Rayfield. I was able to provide several hours of evangelistic training and follow-up  in preparation for both the Tukyeh trip this weekend and the meetings coming up next week which were very well attended by over 100 individuals in the area.


Pray  that the programs will go well and that the many that have had training will use these opportunities to lead family, friends and neighbors to the Lord.


May God bless you and keep you as you pray for us.

Bob DeVoe

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FW: Prayer Update from DeVoes



From: Rick Bond []
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:47 AM
To: Bob Devoe
Subject: Re: Prayer Update from DeVoes


Hi Meredith!


I enjoy reading your periodic e-newsletters here. Sounds like real 1st century missions work!!


Writing about three quick things;


1. Do you guys have contact with Peter and Miriam Fretheim? I probably should know this already, and I'll claim that I am approaching being a senior citizen and therefore have forgotten :) By the way, two months ago I was over there for our ministry, for two weeks, One in Kenya and the second in Ghana.


2. At the end of April they are having a celebration of 50 years of Young Life in Greenwich. Carol and I are flying up from Florida to be there. Would be wonderful if you guys or your sister could be there!


3. Thought you might like a recent photo of us. Kinda scary, because you probably still remember us with younger faces, but I'll attach one anyway.


Godspeed in Africa!!


Dick and Carol

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Bob Devoe <> wrote:

Dear Praying Friends,


“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, steadfast in prayer!” (Romans 12:12)


This is Meredith writing in place of Bob, to whom I just said goodbye as he leaves for a weekend of evangelistic outreach. He and Ibrahim Isa will be leading two teams to present the Gospel in four locations in southern Kaduna state this weekend. Originally, the villages they planned to visit were farther afield but the scarcity of fuel caused them to look closer to home so that they knew a tank full of petrol would get them to and from the villages, without having to be concerned about whether or not they would be able to find any to buy in order to get home!


Bob has been extremely busy since the new year and fell ill at the end of January with the flu compounded by malaria, from which he is finally feeling fully recovered. Military checkpoints are numerous and some officials are looking for bribes. Rising fuel costs have caused inflation of all prices, especially food.


Praise God! He is in control of all these things that concern us, and the Gospel work is going forward. It is exciting to think of the hundreds who will hear the good news clearly presented this weekend, and the hope that the Holy Spirit will work to change lives for eternity.


Please PRAY for the four villages where teams are headed, that God will give them open hearts to receive Christ:

·         Bob will lead the team going to Kaura and Magarya Kaura,

·         Ibrahim Isa will lead the team going to Shaka and Chaury Charawi

·         Please also pray about the cost and scarcity of fuel having an impact on ministry

·         Pray for President Goodluck Jonathan and other leaders of Nigeria


·         Continued peace in Jos

·         Kabiru Sokoto, a  leader of Boko Haram, an indigenous terrorist group, himself responsible for the Christmas Day bombing in Abuja, has been arrested (pray for his repentance and salvation!)

·         The many who will hear and respond to the Gospel invitation this weekend


Thank you so much for supporting us with your prayers and petitions! May the Lord bless you always,

Bob and Meredith DeVoe

Word of Life Nigeria





Friday, February 17, 2012

Prayer Update from DeVoes

Dear Praying Friends,


“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, steadfast in prayer!” (Romans 12:12)


This is Meredith writing in place of Bob, to whom I just said goodbye as he leaves for a weekend of evangelistic outreach. He and Ibrahim Isa will be leading two teams to present the Gospel in four locations in southern Kaduna state this weekend. Originally, the villages they planned to visit were farther afield but the scarcity of fuel caused them to look closer to home so that they knew a tank full of petrol would get them to and from the villages, without having to be concerned about whether or not they would be able to find any to buy in order to get home!


Bob has been extremely busy since the new year and fell ill at the end of January with the flu compounded by malaria, from which he is finally feeling fully recovered. Military checkpoints are numerous and some officials are looking for bribes. Rising fuel costs have caused inflation of all prices, especially food.


Praise God! He is in control of all these things that concern us, and the Gospel work is going forward. It is exciting to think of the hundreds who will hear the good news clearly presented this weekend, and the hope that the Holy Spirit will work to change lives for eternity.


Please PRAY for the four villages where teams are headed, that God will give them open hearts to receive Christ:

·         Bob will lead the team going to Kaura and Magarya Kaura,

·         Ibrahim Isa will lead the team going to Shaka and Chaury Charawi

·         Please also pray about the cost and scarcity of fuel having an impact on ministry

·         Pray for President Goodluck Jonathan and other leaders of Nigeria


·         Continued peace in Jos

·         Kabiru Sokoto, a  leader of Boko Haram, an indigenous terrorist group, himself responsible for the Christmas Day bombing in Abuja, has been arrested (pray for his repentance and salvation!)

·         The many who will hear and respond to the Gospel invitation this weekend


Thank you so much for supporting us with your prayers and petitions! May the Lord bless you always,

Bob and Meredith DeVoe

Word of Life Nigeria