Dear Prayer Partners,
With the rainy season coming to a close our evangelism efforts to the rural areas of Nigeria are starting up again. This weekend there will be 3 teams headed out to villages in Southern Kaduna. Our traditional efforts are headed to Kurmin Ruwa & Katung Dashi. The third team is headed to Kabene and the Surubru People, we have some community health workers going with us to add a medical dimension to this outreach. The third team which I am with was the vision of a fellow church member, Sarah Mavaria and it is her village we are going to. Although these trips are one of my favorite parts of the ministry here in Nigeria there is much to pray about, and can be physically draining.
· Travel mercies in dealing with bad roads, indiscriminate checkpoints and reckless drivers.
· Vehicles and equipment to function as we hope and expect them to.
· Openness & interest to the Gospel in the communities we are headed to.
· The Holy Spirits work in the hearts of those we minister to.
· Follow up of the new believers through local missionaries & pastors along with our efforts.
· Family members we all leave behind, and personal safety for everyone.
· Specifically pray for Meredith to enjoy the quite weekend home alone.
· A true ending to the Boko Haram crisis that has turned Nigeria into a very different place
When I get home Sunday I am headed right into a week of camp training for over 50 nationals, with the hope of them running camps in their various States.
Thank you so much for you prayers and support , Bob & Meredith DeVoe