Thursday, April 18, 2019

Nigeria update

Good Morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Attached is and update of some of what the Lord is doing in Nigeria, and how he is answering your prayers for us. Our Lord is also teaching me so much with the current class, Discipleship, I am taking through Liberty University. This class will put me half way through with a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry.


Rejoice with us

Bob & Meredith DeVoe

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Friday, April 12, 2019

Nigeria Prayer

Dear Prayer Partners,

I needed to send out a quick prayer request as we head for Southern Kaduna to a village for Evangelism. We are taking a church group from my Neighborhood, there will be at least 16 of us. We provided training for sharing your faith over the last 2 days for those going. Pray for good travels along with the equipment and vehicle to not disappoint us. Also pray for those that we will share the truth with that even now the Holy Spirit is working in their heart. I apologize for not letting you know the results of the last trip but hope to get a quarterly update out next week.

Part of His Workmanship,



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