Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Top Ten...

Top ten things I miss about Nigeria:

  1. "Sannu! Ina kwana?"

  2. Our friends!!

  3. The most-always pleasant weather

  4. The colorful clothing

  5. Dancing in church

  6. Reggae music

  7. Rice, beans, and red stew

  8. Hillcrest School

  9. Jerry (a five-year-old who lives in our compound)

  10. Mangoes

Top ten things I don't miss:

  1. Achabas (motorcycle taxis)

  2. Trash strewn everywhere

  3. Public urination

  4. Diesel fumes

  5. Marriage proposals for my daughter

  6. Corrupt police and officials

  7. White-knuckle driving everywhere

  8. Crashed and burned-out cars

  9. Razor wire

  10. Potholes

Top ten things I am appreciating about the USA:

  1. Blueberries, cherries, apples

  2. Safe driving

  3. Open lawns and gardens, farms and woods

  4. Thrift Shops

  5. Libraries

  6. 24-hour electricity

  7. Drinkable water

  8. Clean air

  9. I am not an object of curiosity everywhere I go

  10. Most everyone is actually wealthier than me

Top ten things I wish about the USA:

  1. That people were grateful for the enormous blessings they enjoy from God every day

  2. That people would spend less time mowing lawns and more with each other

  3. That people would dress nicer-- not jeans and t-shirts ad nauseum

  4. That people would loosen up and make some noise in church

  5. That people would buy less and make more

  6. That junk food was not so ubiquitous

  7. That SUVs would go away, especially Hummers

  8. That they would turn the air conditioning down

  9. That people would protect the unborn AND the Alaskan wilderness

  10. That Christians would make Christ known so the world will see and turn away from false gods