Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FW: Nigerian Prayer Update

Good morning from Nigeria


I hope I didn’t give anyone the wrong impression about some of our challenges but desire to give you greater insight in how to pray for us. Just to be sure everyone knows, Meredith is fully recovered from malaria and is back at school teaching. Keep in mind, the challenges that we face, also come with incredible opportunities.


Our trip to Baganje, Gombe was one of the many incredible opportunities that we look forward to in the coming year. Our partnership with Jordan Eye Clinic resulted with our team speaking one on one about Jesus Christ with 997 individuals and 147 of them trusting Christ. The pharmacy provided medication to 741 people and 399 were also provided with eye care. Some of those that had eye care received glasses and 15 individuals had cataract surgery that restored their vision.



People waiting to be seen on our first day.    Talatu, trusted Christ as her Savior.        The Pharmacy dispensing medication.



Being fitted for glasses as part of eye care.     15 individuals had cataract surgery.        Abare, still needs prayer to trust Christ.



I believe the photos will help to add faces to the numbers mentioned above. Although we can rejoice about all those that have trusted Christ, we need to continue to pray for them to grow and that the seeds of the Gospel planted will take root. Talatu is a widow and farms to make ends meet, she is looking forward to having more conversations with us about Christ. Abare, listens to a daily Christian radio program, but is not ready to leave Islam. The 15 individuals that had cataract surgery all reported that they could again see again and were so thankful for Gods intervention in their lives.  There will be 3 more of these Medical outreaches coming up: 3rd of March in Jos, 19th to 23rd March in Taraba State and 12th to 14th of April in Jos.


Thank you so much for your prayers

Bob DeVoe


PS I attached a copy of this in PDF if you need to print and share.


Monday, February 05, 2018

FW: Prayer request

Good Morning Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


We have been home in Nigeria for a month now and have settled back into life and ministry. There have been a few challenges with plumbing, Meredith having malaria and the wires from the utility pole to the transformer being cut and stolen, leaving us with no power for over a week. We are so thankful that all these situations are resolved to God’s glory.


We are headed out today for an Evangelistic/medical outreach in  the State of Gombe and will be gone until Saturday. Please pray for Meredith as she will remain in Jos,  busy with School. Pray that the vehicle and all equipment will function as we need and hope. Also for safety as we travel and the time we spend in Gombe. Pray that all those we come in contact with, will come to know the love of Christ and that His kingdom will grow through our efforts.     


We Love you and are thankful for your love and support.

Bob & Meredith DeVoe