Friday, February 24, 2012

FW: Nigeria Prayer Update

Dear Prayer Partners


Our trip last week end was awesome as usual although we did have some trouble with the equipment, which delayed things but did not stop us. The team lead by Ibrahim also had a little trouble with some of the local people which the elders of the village settled in favor of the Lord. All together the 2 teams witnessed to over 1,100 people in 4 different villages with 753 of them being added to the Kingdom. The 2 villages that I was privileged to be in are on a road that I travel often, which will make follow-up easy, especially since there was also great interest in starting Bible Clubs there in Kaura.


some of the decisions at Kaura      counseling the next morning


Praise the Lord for the many that trusted Christ and that we can trust HIM for all of our needs as we serve HIM.


Last May a treacherous journey to a mountain village called Tukyeh was made by Word of Life Nigeria, members from our church along with some other ECWA churches in our area. Through Christian films, Preaching and door-to-door sharing there was 975 people that heard the Gospel and the Lord brought 428 of them into His Kingdom.  We were so thankful and praised the Lord for this great blessing and are now headed back to this village for follow-up this very weekend.  


Lunch at Tukyeh last year                the National Missionary


Pray for: safety as we travel, that the vehicle and equipment will function as needed, the many that trusted Christ have a hunger and thirst for the Word, our families at home will be secure in our absence and that those of us that are traveling will remain healthy.


Next week our Church will be doing evangelistic meetings in 4 different locations very close to our Church: Wed. – Favway, Thurs. -  Shehe, Fri. – Gut and Sat. – Top Rayfield. I was able to provide several hours of evangelistic training and follow-up  in preparation for both the Tukyeh trip this weekend and the meetings coming up next week which were very well attended by over 100 individuals in the area.


Pray  that the programs will go well and that the many that have had training will use these opportunities to lead family, friends and neighbors to the Lord.


May God bless you and keep you as you pray for us.

Bob DeVoe

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FW: Prayer Update from DeVoes



From: Rick Bond []
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 6:47 AM
To: Bob Devoe
Subject: Re: Prayer Update from DeVoes


Hi Meredith!


I enjoy reading your periodic e-newsletters here. Sounds like real 1st century missions work!!


Writing about three quick things;


1. Do you guys have contact with Peter and Miriam Fretheim? I probably should know this already, and I'll claim that I am approaching being a senior citizen and therefore have forgotten :) By the way, two months ago I was over there for our ministry, for two weeks, One in Kenya and the second in Ghana.


2. At the end of April they are having a celebration of 50 years of Young Life in Greenwich. Carol and I are flying up from Florida to be there. Would be wonderful if you guys or your sister could be there!


3. Thought you might like a recent photo of us. Kinda scary, because you probably still remember us with younger faces, but I'll attach one anyway.


Godspeed in Africa!!


Dick and Carol

On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 10:10 AM, Bob Devoe <> wrote:

Dear Praying Friends,


“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, steadfast in prayer!” (Romans 12:12)


This is Meredith writing in place of Bob, to whom I just said goodbye as he leaves for a weekend of evangelistic outreach. He and Ibrahim Isa will be leading two teams to present the Gospel in four locations in southern Kaduna state this weekend. Originally, the villages they planned to visit were farther afield but the scarcity of fuel caused them to look closer to home so that they knew a tank full of petrol would get them to and from the villages, without having to be concerned about whether or not they would be able to find any to buy in order to get home!


Bob has been extremely busy since the new year and fell ill at the end of January with the flu compounded by malaria, from which he is finally feeling fully recovered. Military checkpoints are numerous and some officials are looking for bribes. Rising fuel costs have caused inflation of all prices, especially food.


Praise God! He is in control of all these things that concern us, and the Gospel work is going forward. It is exciting to think of the hundreds who will hear the good news clearly presented this weekend, and the hope that the Holy Spirit will work to change lives for eternity.


Please PRAY for the four villages where teams are headed, that God will give them open hearts to receive Christ:

·         Bob will lead the team going to Kaura and Magarya Kaura,

·         Ibrahim Isa will lead the team going to Shaka and Chaury Charawi

·         Please also pray about the cost and scarcity of fuel having an impact on ministry

·         Pray for President Goodluck Jonathan and other leaders of Nigeria


·         Continued peace in Jos

·         Kabiru Sokoto, a  leader of Boko Haram, an indigenous terrorist group, himself responsible for the Christmas Day bombing in Abuja, has been arrested (pray for his repentance and salvation!)

·         The many who will hear and respond to the Gospel invitation this weekend


Thank you so much for supporting us with your prayers and petitions! May the Lord bless you always,

Bob and Meredith DeVoe

Word of Life Nigeria





Friday, February 17, 2012

Prayer Update from DeVoes

Dear Praying Friends,


“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, steadfast in prayer!” (Romans 12:12)


This is Meredith writing in place of Bob, to whom I just said goodbye as he leaves for a weekend of evangelistic outreach. He and Ibrahim Isa will be leading two teams to present the Gospel in four locations in southern Kaduna state this weekend. Originally, the villages they planned to visit were farther afield but the scarcity of fuel caused them to look closer to home so that they knew a tank full of petrol would get them to and from the villages, without having to be concerned about whether or not they would be able to find any to buy in order to get home!


Bob has been extremely busy since the new year and fell ill at the end of January with the flu compounded by malaria, from which he is finally feeling fully recovered. Military checkpoints are numerous and some officials are looking for bribes. Rising fuel costs have caused inflation of all prices, especially food.


Praise God! He is in control of all these things that concern us, and the Gospel work is going forward. It is exciting to think of the hundreds who will hear the good news clearly presented this weekend, and the hope that the Holy Spirit will work to change lives for eternity.


Please PRAY for the four villages where teams are headed, that God will give them open hearts to receive Christ:

·         Bob will lead the team going to Kaura and Magarya Kaura,

·         Ibrahim Isa will lead the team going to Shaka and Chaury Charawi

·         Please also pray about the cost and scarcity of fuel having an impact on ministry

·         Pray for President Goodluck Jonathan and other leaders of Nigeria


·         Continued peace in Jos

·         Kabiru Sokoto, a  leader of Boko Haram, an indigenous terrorist group, himself responsible for the Christmas Day bombing in Abuja, has been arrested (pray for his repentance and salvation!)

·         The many who will hear and respond to the Gospel invitation this weekend


Thank you so much for supporting us with your prayers and petitions! May the Lord bless you always,

Bob and Meredith DeVoe

Word of Life Nigeria