Friday, February 06, 2015

Nigerian Prayer Update

Dear Prayer Partners,

We came back from Lu-Tinghen yesterday and I had to share with you how your prayers continue to be answered. Although the problem with alcohol addiction is still present, there have been significant changes. Pastor Isaac Luka (below in the red trousers) said “because of your time with us we are growing”. Pastor Luka’s Church had an average attendance of 25-30 individuals on a Sunday. However, in the weeks following our first visit, the church grew to an average of 50-60 and right after Christmas they decided that the building could no longer contain them and needed to be enlarged. The Church was able on their own to provide all the needed labor and funds for the addition and expect it to be finished before the end of Feb. The Pastor also has started a prayer house in a settlement a few miles away and is also doing services there. It is easier for him to go to them on a motorcycle instead of dozens of them trying to walk to the Church for services. Pray for strength and wisdom for Pastor Luka; between Family, farming & follow-up of those that made decisions for Christ along with making the many converts into real disciples; he is a very busy man.  

During our first visit in Lu-Tinghen I spent a good amount of time near those selling the local alcohol; talking to individuals about Jesus Christ and trying to really understand this community. Kwatman Mathias and several other elders of the village along with the Chief felt most of their problems stemmed from a lack of education. They showed me a school building that was never completed. Before we left that weekend I was able to bring the religious leaders, the village elders and the Chief together and challenge them that they had everything needed to repair and complete the school building. Along with those in the community that had an education who should now teach the next generation.  I promised that we would help with one bundle of zink roofing ($62) as an encouragement (they will need 10-12) and would be back to see their progress. The community has taxed themselves for funds needed to cover cement and roofing materials for the school. As you can see in the photo below many had come out to clean up the site, bring sand for building and begin forming the bricks needed to repair and complete the building. Pray for the completion of this school and for Godly teachers that can teach reading so everyone in the community can read the Word of God.        

We have been out on Evangelism for the last 2 weekends and are also headed out today for a village in Southern Kaduna, Kuyiripizi. It is a small village and the community is really scattered. In addition to our regular activities for the weekend we will be walking some distance on Saturday going from house to house in an effort to reach the lost and challenge those that profess Christ of their need to grow. Pray for safety as we travel, equipment to not disappoint us and for many to know and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. The photo below is in Kuyiripizi when we were there on Tues. for the survey trip

The last 2 weekends had incredible results in communities that are predominantly followers of African traditional religions. Over 500 hearing the Gospel and 49 making decisions for Christ in Limun (photo below) and over 1,000 attending our programs in Zamgwa with 613 making decisions for Christ. Pray for follow-up and growth for the many that have indicated they have taken Christ as their Savior.

There is so much more to tell but space and time do not permit. I could write pages about the Bible Clubs and the discipleship taking place with the children, students and our volunteers’. With the elections coming please continue to pray that things would remain peaceful and that they would be conducted in a free and fair environment. Also pray that Boko Harem’s reign of terror would come to an end.

May Our Good Lord encourage you by all that He is doing.

Bob & Meredith and the many that help with His work


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